Is it really World’s Best Cookie Dough?

World’s Best Cookie Dough

164 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012
Rating: 3.5/5.
Ideal for: Quick Snack, Celebration .
Price: Mid to High-Price.

You know I spend half of my time looking at other food accounts on Instagram, so I naturally stumbled upon World’s Best Cookie Dough’s page. The pictures are mouthwatering, all of them showing gooey, chocolate-y, raw cookie dough. One particular picture that called my name was the cookie dough stuffed cookies. These cookies are basically undercooked cookies, or warm cookie dough if you wish. I knew I needed to go to the storefront and try everything on its menu, but truth be told, I wasn’t planning on getting out of my way to do so.

I was walking from my friend’s apartment to her office when I saw a logo that seemed familiar. Indeed, it was World’s Best Cookie Dough so I headed in. The place was completely empty except the clerk on the other side of the counter. It took me a while to choose from the variations of cookie dough until I decided to, well, try them all.

I started with the classic chocolate chip dough, and I was not impressed. It was just okay. The dough itself was too creamy, and the chocolate was not bitter enough to balance the sweetness of the dough. I went with it though, because it was one of the best flavors of them all. I also liked the oatmeal m&m’s flavor, although I believe the chances of oatmeal gave the whole thing a weird texture. I also liked the sneaker doodle, the sugar cookie and Reese’s one.

The thing is, while I was at the shop I felt that Dō was overhyped and that people make insane lines there when there is another cookie dough store just a few blocks away. I was content with my experience at World’s Best Cookie Dough, and I knew others would be too. That was until I went back to Dō and realized the quality was far superior.

World’s Best Cookie Dough has its perks though. The cookie dough stuffed cookies are a great experience, especially when you are craving a warm, gooey cookie. It only comes in two flavors: classic chocolate chip and smores. As for other items in its menu, World’s Best Cookie Dough offers milkshakes and other sweet items that are worth a try.

Jewtina Tips: Put the cookie dough stuffed cookie in the fridge for an hour, it taste even better when it is cold!

Teenu- Disfruta- Enjoy!